A Samoyed is a type of dog which belongs to the Spitz family. They are basically from Siberia, being used by the Samoyedic people there for protecting their livestock. But due to its beautiful nature, looks, adaptability and other features, they are favoured all over the world and adopted as pets. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) along with the answers, which might help you in making a decision on whether to adopt a Samoyed as your new pet.

Are Samoyeds good family dogs?
Samoyeds are usually considered to be good family dogs. They mix with their owners well and like the company of humans. They do not pose any threat to the other pets that the owner might possess. They pick one member of the family whom they like the most, and listen to his/her words more than any of the other members. They enjoy playing with children and the children are also usually found to become close to these cute creatures easily.
What is the cost of a Samoyed?
The cost of a Samoyed roughly varies between $650 to $1500. The better the health of the dog, the more is its price. The cost may further vary depending upon your negotiation skills and from where you are buying. You are advised to do a little bit of research in finding the right vendor.
Are Samoyeds affectionate?
Samoyeds are one of the affectionate types but they are closest to a single member of the family. They are very selective and figure out the person with whom they can play most and adhere to that person in such a manner that it becomes identifiable and they are adored for their human friendliness.
Are Samoyeds aggressive/dangerous?
Samoyeds are not at all aggressive, neither are they dangerous. They only bark to alert the owners when they see somebody alien to them and in the courtyard of their premises. When the strangers actually enter the houses, the Samoyeds approach them and try to please them by just smelling and backtracking.
Can Samoyeds be left alone?
You cannot leave a Samoyed alone for a long time. They get annoyed and become destructive. They will show their dissent by chewing your shoes and tearing your bed sheets so that you don't leave them alone for long again.

Can Samoyeds live in hot weather?
Samoyeds can adjust themselves even in hot weather. Their thick white coat of fur helps them to reflect the sun’s rays and serves as insulation so that their bodies beneath the fur remain cool.
Do Samoyeds need lots of exercises?
Samoyeds need lots of exercise. As they are not strong enough, but their instinct is to herd livestock, carry sleds and do other activities, they need good amount of exercise to keep themselves fit. A middle-aged Samoyed of about eight years requires four to five hours of vigorous exercise. Exercises are also needed for less drooling and lower dander levels.
Are Samoyeds loyal?
There is no doubt that Samoyeds are beautiful. Their dense coat, exciting features and winning smiles are enough to be preferred above most of the other dogs. They are kind, adorable and intelligent. But like other pets, they are also very loyal companions of their owner.
Are Samoyeds protective?
Samoyeds are very protective in nature. They enjoy the company of humans and love to play with them. They bark whenever they find their owners in any form of danger alerting the owners and threatening the perpetrators of the crime.
Are Samoyeds smart?
Samoyeds are a smart breed. It does not take them much time to learn, but they should not be bored with the same training repeatedly. It has to be given a free hand in chasing a squirrel or a rabbit. Otherwise, it gets very annoying and shows off its anger to the owner in a little agitated manner like by tearing bed sheets, chewing shoes, etc.
Is a Samoyed hard to train?
Samoyeds are good obedient dogs. They can be given obedience training. But they are not good at either herding livestock or preventing strangers from entering a premise. They only work as a team with the owner. They bark announcing the arrival of a visitor and the rest is left to the owner. Likewise, they can be lazy, work only to please their owner, are not too keen to guard the livestock as wanted, but they do it in their own relaxed way thereby often missing the mark.
Are all Samoyeds white? Can a Samoyed be black?
Samoyeds are generally found to be white in colour. This is due to the outer coat of fur which they possess. However, they can also be off-white, normal biscuit-coloured or in a mixture of white and normal biscuit-colour as well.
But they are never black. They are often coloured to be carried to parties and competitions.
How often should you bathe a Samoyed?
You do not need to bathe a Samoyed regularly. It can be bathed from once a week up to once in six weeks. As this is a thickly coated breed, proper technique is required to bathe and brush it properly after the bath to keep its coat of fur and skin healthy.
The coat has to be first cleaned of any dirt. Then, it has to be brushed properly to make the Samoyed ready for the bath. After the bath, the coat has to be dried with a towel and a dryer. It has to be brushed again.
Are Samoyeds hypoallergenic?
Samoyeds are hypoallergenic. They have less dander than most of the other breeds of dogs and drool less. But they shed fur a lot. Proper care has to be taken all throughout the year for their grooming and upkeep so that they stay fit and healthy.