Best Parakeet Cage Buying Guide & Our Top Picks

The parakeet is a sweet-natured, intelligent little bird that makes a wonderful pet for both the novice and expert bird-keeper. Also known as the Budgie, these colorful birds enjoy singing, can be taught some simple tricks, and may even pick up a word or two.

However, like any other pet, we bring into our lives, we must be prepared to provide our new feathered friend with the top care, this includes the cage we expect it to live out its life in.

In this post, we will cover some guidelines to follow when choosing the perfect parakeet cage, the basic care of this enclosure, and our top picks for the best parakeet cage on the market today.

Let's get started.

Our Top Picks for the Best Parakeet Cage

Guidelines for Choosing a Parakeet Cage

Bringing a parakeet into your home isn't as simple as picking out the bird, and placing it into a cage for it to adorn your living space. This living, breathing, feeling creature will need some considerations, especially the cage. Read through these guidelines to ensure you are giving your parakeet the best possible home (inside your home).

parakeet cage

Location is Important

Before you purchase a parakeet cage, know where you are going to place it - this helps you buy accordingly. Keep in mind that your parakeet needs to be away from direct sunlight, and drafts, but he still needs to be a part of the family. Tucking birdie away in an isolated room/area is not a healthy choice for your new pet.

The Proper Cage Size

As with any species of a pet bird, you should buy the biggest cage you can afford. However, some minimums must be met for the health and well-being of your pet parakeet.

If you are housing one bird, the cage should be a minimum of 20 inches long, by 18 inches wide, by 18 inches high. Remember, your bird's tail and head should not be touching the cage when its in a sitting position. He should also be able to move around unrestricted and be able to stretch out and flap his wings. Additionally, take into consideration any toys, perches, and food/water dishes you have added, as they will reduce your pet's overall "living" space.

The spacing of the bars is also an important factor in buying a parakeet cage. They can't be too wide, or your feathered friend may squeeze through. For parakeets, it is recommended the bars be a ½ inch apart.

When choosing a cage size, also remember that your bird will need toys to help pass the time (especially if he is alone). Allow more space in your cage for a variety of hanging "decorations."

Choose the Right Shape

Choosing a round cage may be detrimental to the psychological health of your bird. It has been reported that round cages create a sense of frustration for a bird. This is because the bird continues to climb around and around the circular area, never reaching the end. For this reason, angular cages are the best choice.

Quality is Key

There's no sense purchasing a poorly designed and crafted cage, sure it may save you money today, but you will eventually just end up replacing it down the road. To ensure your purchase is worthy of your feathered friend, you will want the product to be sturdy, without any loose parts, or sharp edges. The best cages will be made from stainless steel and will be designed for easy cleaning with a pull-out tray.

Although wooden cages may look "cool," they are a nightmare to keep clean. This is because wood traps moisture which can lead to the growth of bacteria. Plus, if your bird decides to start gnawing on the enclosure, it won't take long before it has been chewed to bits.

parrakeet climbing metal cage

Basic Birdcage Care

A clean cage means a healthier and happier bird. Here's how to keep your parakeet cage clean as a whistle.

Daily Cleaning

There are a few daily tasks you will have to perform to keep your bird's cage clean. First, pull the tray and empty into the garbage. Wipe with a damp cloth, dry, and replace the lining material. For birds, newspaper, paper bags, or corn cob is recommended.

Empty and clean the food and water dishes every day. Wash the food containers in mild dish soap, rinse, dry thoroughly, and refill. If you are using a water bottle, use a bottle brush to scrub the inside to prevent algae from growing.

Weekly Cleaning

Remove the toys, perches, and ladders and clean with a non-toxic and bird-friendly cleaner (available online or in pet retailers). If you have wooden toys or perches, allow these to dry in a warm location or direct sunlight. Remember when placing perches, or ladders to keep them positioned away from the food and water dishes to avoid contamination from your bird's droppings.

Wipe down the bars, and base of your birdcage, as well. If you are using a cleaner, be sure to rewipe the cage to rid it of any cleaner residue.

Monthly Cleaning

Pick a date on the calendar to completely strip your bird's cage for a thorough cleaning. Put your parakeet in a safe, bird-proof room to fly and explore while you are doing this task.

Use a tub of warm soapy water and place the cage into it for a good scrubbing. Clean all the surfaces, and rinse well. Allow the cage and perches to completely dry before you put it back together. Now return your parakeet to its spotless home.


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