Best Nail Grinders for Cats Getting Rid of Little Tiger Claws

Pet cats have razor-sharp claws just like their large brawny cousins in the wild. However, our pampered kitties do not need sharp claws since they don’t hunt for food – unless you want to train your cat to open a can of wet cat food.

Even if your cat is an angel, he can prove to be quite a nuisance in your home if he has long sharp claws. Your whiskered pal might unintentionally tear curtains, snag upholstery, or create an “Obra Maestra” on your wallpapered walls and hardwood floors. Worse, these claws might also hurt you or your kids and thus, making cuddle sessions rather unpleasant.

Therefore, it is wise to clip your cat’s claws regularly using the best cat nail grinder.

What’s a Cat Nail Grinder?

Are you afraid to use regular nail clippers for trimming your cat’s claws? There is no better way to clip your cat’s claws than using an electric nail grinder for cats. As the name suggests, this nifty device has a sturdy handle and a tiny sanding drum. It’s like a nail file with 100x more speed!

10 Best Cat Nail Grinders

We rounded up 10 of the best cat nail grinders on the market. These models are ranked based on their features and consumer ratings. Rest assured, you can find a model that will align with your budget.

Nail Grinders for Cats Buying Guide

Cat Nail Grinders vs. Cat Nail Clippers: Which One is Better?

A majority of grooming professionals and veterinarians prefer nail grinders to nail clippers, especially for anxious cats. However, that doesn’t mean they discourage the use of nail clippers and other similar tools. If your cat doesn’t mind vibrations and white noise, then he is a good candidate for an electric nail grinder for a cat.

What are the Advantages of Using a Cat Nail Grinder?

Cat Nail Grinders Are User-friendly

A cat nail grinder is by far the easiest clipping tool to use. Even owners without prior experience in trimming sharp kitty claws can use a nail grinder. Likewise, it doesn’t matter whether you have a steady hand or not. You simply turn it on and put your cat’s claw gently through a port or against the sanding drum.

Cat Nail Grinders Are a Lot Safer to Use

Compared to other nail trimmers, a cat nail grinder virtually eliminates the risk of cutting near the quick – the pink part of your cat’s nails where nerves and blood vessels are found. Cut too short and you will get a swift smack from your cat!

Nail Grinding Eliminates the Unnecessary Need for Declawing

Feline onychectomy, popularly known as declawing, used to be the norm back in the day. However, what people considered as a “quick fix” is actually a painful, crippling procedure that causes lifelong physical problems in cats. The best alternative to declawing would be trimming your cat’s claws regularly using the best cat nail grinder. With it, your cat stays happily healthy and your belongings stay intact.

Cat Nail Grinders Help Cut Down Grooming Costs

A walk-in nail trim may be the least expensive grooming service on the “kitty spa” menu, costing you only $10 to $15 per session. However, a cat’s claws need trimming every 10 to 14 days. If you are serious about your cat’s grooming, you may have to pay $365 to $547 each year just for that. If that sounds a lot, you might as well just buy a cat nail grinder today.

It Iis Portable

Compact, lightweight, and rechargeable; a cat nail grinder is ideal for cat owners who take their furry pals along with them on their travels.

Factors to Consider

Finding the best nail cat grinder in an ocean of subpar products can be a mind-numbing and energy-sapping task even for a dedicated cat owner. Don’t worry, though. We did the tedious work for you and listed out the important factors that you need to consider when buying one.

Power Source

The cat nail grinders in our list are cordless models. A cordless design provides freedom of movement, which can be a huge blessing for owners with a skittish kitty. However, it is up to you whether or not you choose a unit that is powered by replaceable AA batteries or a model that is rechargeable via a USB cable. If you like the idea of being able to charge through any electronic device aside from the wall outlet, the latter would be the best fit for you.

Ergonomic Design

You need a nail grinder that won’t slip out of your hand while you are trimming your cat’s nails. It should be lightweight and easy to hold as well.

Speed Settings

A majority of the nail cat grinders on our list have multiple speed settings. The speed setting determines how long it takes you to finish the trimming process. Ideally, you need a model with at least two speed settings – a fast speed setting for quickly grinding the nail and a slower speed setting for smoothing or shaping the nail.

Sound and Vibration

Cats are Drama Queens and Kings. So, choose a nail grinder that has a quiet operation - ideally, 60 dB or less. It should also have a low vibration configuration that your cat can tolerate.

Removable Cover/Dust Collector

A removable cover or a dust collector helps prevent messes, as it collects the stray nail dust and small nail claw chips. The lack of this feature, however, doesn’t indicate that the product is not a steal.

Multiple Ports

The nail grinder you should choose must have at least two ports for grinding the nails. This will ensure it accommodates different nail sizes.


Electric nail grinders are prone to breaking faster than traditional nail grooming tools. It is wise to buy a product that is backed with a warranty in case it fails.


Never settle for the cheapest product you can find because it will definitely offer bad results. Rather, it is better to look for a product that has been approved by many.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best cat nail grinder?

The best cat nail grinder is the vet-recommended Dremel 7300-PT. Even Dr. Karen Shaw Becker uses this product!Although it lacks a removable cover, it has a powerful motor, two rotation speeds, an ergonomic design, and many other delightful features. Plus, you can use it for other sanding purposes in your home.

Are nail grinders good for cats?

Nail grinders are good for cats, as these products leave little to no error when it comes to trimming your pet’s nails.

Does grinding a cat's nails hurt them?

A: The reason why most vets and groomers prefer nail grinders to nail clippers is that it has a nail guard that prevents you from cutting near the quick.

How often should you grind your cat's nails?

A: PetMD recommends trimming your cat’s nails every 10 to 14 days.

How quickly do grinders work? Does it take a long time to grind the nail to a shorter length?

A: The answer depends on the speed and power of the unit. Generally, a speed setting of 13,000 RPM won’t take five minutes for each claw.

Are cat nail grinders quiet?

A: Cat nail grinders are quiet, ranging from 60 to 40 decibels. That equals to a quiet stream or a gentle breeze.


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