10 Ways Your Cat Shows Affection To You

Cats are amazing and very adorable creatures. They are always happy and lazy; they are exactly like you. Humans and cats are just made for each other. They love each other and make each other happy. You can’t be alone when you have a cat. They will run around you, they will sit on your laptop, they will lick you. They just love you. If you are confused about their love and don’t know “how do cats show affection?”. Then this article will help you.

First things first, cats love humans; so if you own a cat, then it is sure that she will love you back. You might be confused about how, but there are many ways a cat shows affection towards his owner. Somethings you may get annoyed by, but actually, she is just adoring you.

How Do Cats Show Affection?

1. Purring


A cat’s purr can mean many things, but most of the time cats purr to show their love towards you. A purr is something that will reach your heart. Purring is a soft vibrating sound made by cats. It is a positive emotional state. A cat begins to purr when they are kittens, but later in his life cats keep purring to show their emotions; especially love towards their owners.

2. Bunting


Bunting is when cats head bump to your face. When cats are in a mood to show their love, they will bump your face. They push their head towards us in a very affectionate way. Bunting is an emotional expression used by many animals but especially in cats, as they do this to their favorite person. It a huge compliment in the cat’s world. So if your cat gives you a bunt, then it is a big thing for you. Head bumping is a way to mingle her scent with yours, so it is like claiming ownership.


3. Scratching


Cats love to scratch, and they scratch everything. They also scratch humans, but in a very gentle way, and if they do it means you are officially theirs. Their scratching is not a rough scratching, it is an emotional way of showing their love. Cats have scent pads on their paws and by scratching you they are actually leaving their trace on you; so that any other cat would know that you are his property. Scratching is a natural process in cats to mark their territory; they scratch their bed, their tree, and even their owner.

4. Kneading


Kneading is when cats push their paws in and out on any soft object. They also do it on humans, mostly on our laps. This is how cats bond with their things. It is a common behavior in cats. It is a childhood memory for them, since as a kitten cat’s used kneading while drinking its mother’s milk. This is why they still do it with things which belong to them. It symbolizes acceptance of anything in their world. Later in life this habit continuous as they sit on their owner's lap. It is an expression of showing love towards their owner.

5. Playing


There is one common thing in all living beings that we play with the people we like. And even in cats, they will play with you if they like you. Cats play their hearts out. They might not be so active with others; but when it’s you, they will be super excited and happy. It's always the case with cats and their owners. Like every animal, cats also need exercise and playing is the best way to do that. Playing not only keeps them active but also makes your bond much stronger. If your cat is playing with you actively then it means that she loves you.

6. Tail Love

Tail Love

Cats show love with their tails, too. As a kitten, they used to approach their mother with their tail straight up. When they get older they also do this, but now with their owner. They will also come up to you while wagging their tail on your face, so don’t push them away. They are just showing their love towards you. You are now his favorite. Tail love is a signal of a Cat-Human relationship. A cat’s tail is a meter of her emotion, and a tail never lies.

7. Grooming


You must have seen cats grooming themselves, as cats love to groom themselves all day. This is their favorite thing. They spend a ridiculously enormous amount of time in self-grooming. If cats are living together then they will also groom each other. Similarly, if they live with you, they will also groom you. This is also one of those things that they pick up from their mothers. As a kitten she used to groom them and this is how they bond. Cats also use it on their personal stuff, it is like marking property. The cat will lick you and your clothes to show affection, it also spreads their scent to mark the property.


8. Gifting


It’s not just humans who gift another person out of affection; cats also do that to their favorite people. So, when waking up if you see toys, paper balls or dead mice, don’t be alarmed; it's just your cat giving you gift. And it is one of the biggest honors. Cats are sociable animals and they know the meaning of gifts and this is their way to gift. They will gift you with one of the best things they have; it can be a mouse, dead or alive. It’s a token of their love.

9. Rolling


When you are about to leave the office and you see your cat rolling on the ground at your feet, in cat language, this is considered as showing love. You might be late getting out of the office when you see your cat in this adorable way. Cats are very fond of their owners and they only roll around when they are near the people they are affectionate towards.

10. Showing You Belly

Showing You Belly

The most vulnerable part of the cat is his belly, and if they are showing it to you in a way to pet them, it means they trust you and they love you. Cats do not show their belly to just anyone, it’s personal. A cat who loves you will roll over and show you his fuzzy belly; it is a sign of love. So, just pet your cat. This is how you increase your love and make your bond stronger with your cat. Cats are a prideful animal, so when they show you their belly don’t ignore them; you might not get a second chance.

There are many ways a cat shows affection toward their owner. But these are the most common and widely used by cats. These ten points must have answered your question “How Do Cats Show Affection?”. A pet is a big part of your family, so don’t ignore them. If they are showing their love towards you, love them back.



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