From childhood, we are taught to share our things with others. So no wonder sharing a juicy, delicious peaches to our furry little friend become a natural tendency to us. But can dogs eat peaches? Is it safe to them? Let's dig into this topic deeper today.
To make the answer simple, it's safer to say that “you can feed peaches to dogs“. Besides been a tasty fruit, they offer many health benefits to our best companions. But there are certain things that are to be understood before feeding peaches to your dog. We give you a clear picture. Continue to read on.
Health Benefits of Peaches for Dogs
Peaches contain moderate sources of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, minerals, and other nutrients that are beneficial to dogs. Peaches are also low in calories and contain no saturated fats. They boost the immune system to fight against lung and oral cavity cancers. The Vitamin C found in peaches provides antioxidant effects and helps in tissue repair. And due to these benefits, it can help in preventing skin infections, and it also helps to maintain the healthy functionality of the kidneys and liver by removing the toxins from them. Therefore, peaches help in maintaining the skin, kidney and liver functions of the dog.
Besides these benefits, there is more to know about feeding peaches to dogs.
Dangerous Part of Peaches – Peach Pits
Though peaches offer a lot of benefits to dogs, you have to be careful while serving them to your furry friend. Dogs should not eat the pits of the fruit. The peach pit contains cyanide and it is enough to poison the dog. And it can be fatal to your pet. Due to the small size, the pits of peaches can trigger a choking hazard when it is swallowed mistakenly. If they get stuck in the throat, it will result in intestinal inflammation or blockage in the digestive tract. Chewing the pits will give a pleasure to dogs but remember, this same pleasure can also harm your dog's teeth and jaws as well.
Symptoms of Poisoning
You can easily identify whether your dog has consumed a peach pit. The symptoms of poisoning can be excessive drooling, dilated pupils or dizziness. Heavy panting or difficulty in breathing can also be a symptom of cyanide poisoning. If left unattended, this poisoning can lead to seizures, shock or even coma. The cyanide poisoning does not kill dogs immediately. The poison builds up gradually and causes a slow death. Peaches are known to be the most common fruit that causes the death of dogs through poisoning. If your dog shows any of the above symptoms, you have to immediately call the veterinarian and seek treatment.
How to Feed Peaches to Your Dog Safely?
So, when you give peaches to your dog, you should make sure that the peaches are cut into slices and that it does not contain any peach pits. Peaches are to be given only in a moderate amount;1 or 2 slices at the maximum. Feeding too many slices will cause mild diarrhea among dogs. The parts closer to the pits can also be dangerous to dogs. It is better to be safe than to be worried and hence, dogs should neither be given too many slices of peaches nor the pits.
How About Feeding Canned Peaches to Dogs?
Canned peaches do not contain pits, but they are stuffed with a lot of artificial sweeteners and preservatives. The artificial sugars are hard to digest, and the excess sugar content can cause stomach problems and tooth decay in your dog. If you want your pet to be healthy and happy, never feed them canned peaches.
Avoid Growing Peach Trees in Your Home for the Sake of Your Dog
It’s better to keep peaches away from your dog. So, what if you have a peach tree in your backyard? The stems and leaves of the peach tree contain cyanide, and you should never let your dog near the trees. You should also be careful in throwing away the pit, stems, and leaves. If you negligently throw them in a trash can or keep them in an easily accessible place, there are chances that the dog can eat them and create health issues in the dog. The trash cans are to be kept firmly secured all the time because dogs love to chew random items. If a fallen peach gets to rot and develops mold on them, they become more dangerous to dogs. So, you should be very careful when you have a peach tree and dog in your home.
The best way to feed peaches, or any food for that matter, to your dog is to first consult your veterinarian and to have his opinion about it. By this way, you can be sure that your dog only eats what is good for them. Every dog owner has to understand that humans and dogs have different digestive systems. Many foods that are nutritious to humans can be harmful to dogs. The owner should have a clear picture as to what all foods can be given to dogs and what all are poisonous. To be on the safe side, food has to be given only in moderate amounts. Peaches are to be washed thoroughly so that it will be free from pesticides. All fruits with pits are to be given to dogs with caution.
Peaches, thus, can be an occasional snack to your dog, but it has to be given only with supervision. Mostly, all dog foods contain every ingredient that is essential for a dog and a supplement for this is unnecessary. All your dog needs is a dog food from a reputable brand.