Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

One of the fruits that we humans love and enjoy is berries. With berries on our table, not only does it satisfy the craving for a good taste, but it also provides all the nutritional values that we need to stay healthy and fit. Most of us have pets in our homes and we treat them like a real family member. We give them shelter and even share the food on our table. Since we are all fond of berries, we don’t regret sharing some with our pets, too. However, we are all careful pet owners. So, is it safe to feed your dogs blueberries? As you have this question in mind, I suggest you read this article to the end. We will give you the data and you can decide whether berries are good for your companion.

small dog eat blueberries

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

Yes. Dogs can eat blueberries as humans do. As a matter of fact, this food is very safe for your dogs to consume. Many dogs even love to eat blueberries and they eat them without any adverse side effects or allergic reactions occurring to them. Blueberries contain fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that are generally good for your dog’s health, making it a relatively good food to include in your dog’s diet.

Moderation Is the key

Like any other nontoxic human food, it is extremely advisable to feed blueberries in moderation since eating a large amount of fresh fruits such as berries might cause diarrhea to your dogs as it causes diarrhea to us. To ensure the safety of your pet, you can give this fruit once in a while...just occasionally.

Berries, except those poisonous ones which we will tackle in the latter part of this article, should be considered as occasional treats for your dogs. Do not give berries as a daily supplement. A number of berries that you can give to your canine actually depend on your dog’s body weight. Usually, ten or fewer blueberries are okay for dogs. Do not reach this number when you have a smaller dog as it may already cause gastric upset or diarrhea.


When you give blueberries to your dog for the first time, it is important to see whether she/he develops any adverse reactions to it.

However, if your dog has a history of diarrhea or gastric upset, then it is best to avoid giving berries to your dog, as it may further worsen the condition.

If your dog seems to love the taste of berries and you are unsure about the quantity to be given to your dog, seek a professional’s help. Your vet will determine the right quantity based on your dog’s weight and health condition.


Benefits of Blueberries for Dogs

Giving your dog blueberries can help prevent a lot of diseases which includes cancer, heart problems and other health issues caused by free radicals.


Free radicals are usually produced when your dogs get exposed to harmful environmental chemicals such as smoke from cigarettes and the radiation circulating in the atmosphere. These free radicals will damage the cells in our body, which will make us sick later on. It goes the same for dogs, too. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which will help your dogs get the ability to combat the free radicals.

For dogs that are already older in age, blueberries are deemed very important and useful as it helps old dogs maintain their cognitive functions. As a matter of fact, blueberries are found to be helpful for dogs who are suffering from Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome. When it comes to pancreatic health, blueberries help since it is a great source of silicon.

Potential Side Effects

Dogs can eat blueberries but at times it may trigger some unwanted side effects. Blueberries can cause stomach upset or diarrhea, especially when given in large amounts. Hence, it is important to not exceed the limit.

If your dog has diabetes, be aware that blueberries may lower their blood sugar level causing hypoglycemia. In this case, it is best that you consult and communicate with your veterinarian to ensure that the proper action is taken and that you are giving the right and recommended amount of blueberries to your dogs.

How to Feed Blueberries to Your Dog?

There are different ways to give fruits to your dogs. You can offer blueberries by either washing the berries to give or just give the berries out in a raw form. These two methods are usually the best ways to give fruits to your dogs as the nutrients stay intact. However, many pet owners opt to feed their dogs with frozen blueberries as they become crunchy treats.


If you have a blueberry plant in your backyard, then it is possible that your dog may like to eat it directly from the plant. Though it’s acceptable for a number of reasons, it is still best for you to train your dog not to eat it directly from the bush. If the dog becomes accustomed to the practice of eating it directly from the plant, you may have difficulty in training him not to do the same with other plants, too.

In our diet, we love to include blueberries in muffins, pies, and even in cupcakes. But this should not be the case for dogs as these foods contain high amounts of sugar. Instead of giving the blueberries that are compliments of pies, pancakes, muffins and other things, why don’t you make a blueberry treat instead? We have included some homemade blueberry treat ideas to serve to your dog.

Other Berries Dogs Can Eat

You asked, can dogs eat blueberries and we said yes. But it does not mean that your dog can eat all types of berries. Apart from blueberries, there are only 4 types of berries that are eligible to be included in your dog’s diet. Dogs love to eat all berries. However, as a pet owner, it is our responsibility to know what kinds of berries are safe for our dogs.

Other berries that are safe for dogs to eat are as follows.

  • Raspberries
  • Cranberries
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries

Be assured that these berries are relatively safe for your dogs to eat and they also offer almost the same benefits as the blueberries do due to their antioxidant properties.

Types of Berries Your Dogs Should Not Eat! -Poisonous Berries!

I have said earlier that not all berries are safe for your dogs to consume; there are quite a number of berries that you need to be aware of as they are toxic; not only for your pets, but also for you and your children when eaten. The name and picture of poisonous berries are given below. Check it out.


Mistletoe contains a white or pink cluster of berries. The plant is toxic. It will not create any problems when taken in small amounts, but it will cause blurred vision, stomach cramps, convulsions, and diarrhea if taken in large quantities.

Holly berries

Hollies contain theobromine – the exact same product that is found in chocolates – which is harmful to your dogs.

Jerusalem cherry

The berries will look like small orange cherry tomatoes and are used as ornaments. This berry contains solanocapsine that may cause stomach problems and vomiting.

Yew seeds

Be careful with the berries from yew seeds as they are very poisonous and may cause sudden death when ingested due to taxanes, which are poisonous alkaloids.

Ivy berries

The berries contained on ivy plants are best to be avoided as they contain oxalates that may lead to pain and swelling of several body parts such as lips, tongue, face, and skin.

Juniper Berries

Juniper berries are rarely used in dog foods as a flavoring agent. They help to resolve the digestion problems but the long-term use may lead to kidney failure and seizures.

Poke Berries

It is an easily grown plant which is most commonly found in areas like northern and central North America.The ingestion of this plant may lead to intense vomiting or diarrhea.

Bane Berries

Baneberry has toxic glycoside or essential oil or protoanemonin which is a GL irritant and diuretic. As it is contained in all parts of the plant, consumption of this berry will cause an immediate oral irritation.

Hope you have found the answer for your query “can dogs eat blueberries”. If you like the post, please share it with the pet owners you know from your heart. It may help his/her pet to enjoy the good berries and avoid the bad berries!


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