Best Flea Collars for Dogs

Best Flea Collars for Dogs

Dogs are active, playful little creatures which require a lot of care and a lot of free time to be dedicated to them. However, there are a lot of things to consider when taking your dog out for a walk since they are very fragile. Even dogs have a large variety of diseases to look out for and the world is actually a dangerous place for them. A variety of things can pose a threat to them, from other dogs, people, or pests to cars and buses. The problem is that your dog can’t tell you if something is bothering him and you need to be able to figure this out yourself.

A large issue most dogs struggle with is fleas. Fleas bother dogs on a daily basis and it is almost as if they are waiting for him to go outside just to attach to his body. Dogs cannot get rid of them on their own and they are going to need your help. One of the best solutions available is the flea collar. It is simply a firm collar with insecticide provided which will provide a layer of protection for your pet.

Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs
Small Dogs
Hartz UltraGuard
Large Dogs
Scalibor Protector Band
Dog (12 weeks of age)
Hartz UltraGuard Plus
Dog/Puppy(6 weeks of age)

Flea Collars Buyer’s Guide

What Does a Flea Collar Protect From?

A flea collar should protect your dog both from fleas and ticks in the area. Fleas and ticks are generally treated for in the same way, but they are essentially different creatures; fleas are insects whereas ticks are arachnids. They both feed on blood from dogs, humans, and other mammals.

Once you notice a couple of fleas around your dog, you are only looking at a fraction of the problem. The problem is that fleas can lay up to 50 eggs in a day and getting rid of them can be a difficult process. After getting rid of the fleas on your dog, you will often have to find ways to remove the infestation from your house.

Ticks can be harder to spot than fleas since they often lay in the grass, waiting for their victim to approach so that they can climb onto them and feed on them. Apart from being hardly visible and parasitic, they are often the carriers of many different dangerous diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. Getting rid of ticks is vital for your dog, yourself, and other members of your family; especially if your dog lives inside or if you spend a lot of time playing with him.

woman wearing collar dog kill

Why a Flea Collar?

There are many products on the market dedicated to protecting your dog from fleas, ticks, and other parasites which can cause harm and even infect your dog with some life-threatening disease. Some treatments include various protective shampoos and oil treatments which contain certain insecticides that provide a strong barrier against various parasites. However, these treatments are often temporary and last for a limited amount of time. Additionally, if your dog gets wet often, this will significantly reduce the effect of the treatment.

Flea collars can be very strong and they can last for as much as three months. This means that your dog will stay protected for as long as he wears his protective collar. Flea collars are very friendly for dog owners as well since they don’t have to worry whether they forgot to treat the dog with some other method. As long as the dog wears his collar, it is safe and the owner will be relieved. Collars are also not as toxic as other treatments and the dog does not get in touch with toxins directly.

flea collars for dogs

What to Consider When Purchasing a Flea Collar?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the durability of the collar. It needs to be strong in order to stay on the dog since we all know how active dogs can be. Apart from that, the fit is very important. Your dog will absolutely hate his new collar if it is very tight and prevents him from breathing normally. The perfect flea collar should maintain contact with the neck but still allow an inch or two of space underneath.

If you want to receive the best performance, buy a collar that can last for a long time. Collars are not very cheap, and taking care of a full-grown dog can turn out to be quite expensive. You would want to squeeze out every bit of protection out of your dog collar if you want to get your money's worth. Also, make sure that your flea collar is able to deal with both fleas and ticks; since they both pose a threat to your dog. It would be best if you could use the same product to handle both of these problems.

When Is a Dog Collar a Bad Idea?

A dog collar is always the best choice but there are some instances when it is best to simply avoid it. For example, pregnant or nursing dogs should not be exposed to insecticides of any sorts since it is bad to expose puppies to it at an early age. Additionally, if you have small children or other dogs in the house, it might not be the best idea for your dog to wear a flea collar. This is because dogs tend to fight playfully and if another dog bites the collar, it can swallow a certain amount of toxin, which is not good. The same goes for children who spend a lot of time with dogs. Small children tend to put everything in their mouth, and this can happen after touching the collar.

Some dogs simply can’t handle collars and they will scratch it until you take it off. This can also occur if the collar is too tight and making them feel uncomfortable. If the dog can’t tolerate his collar, you will simply have to find another alternative. Some dogs like to be in water often and you should take off their collar when they choose to submerge themselves in water, since that makes the collar less efficient.

Top Dog Flea Collar Reviews


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