Humans have been using coconut oil for a very long time. To your surprise, coconut oil is not just beneficial for humans but for our furry palsp and doggy friends too. We list you all the benefits here. Read everything because our best friends just don’t deserve to miss out on any single one of them.
Benefits of Coconut Oil for Dogs
Coconut is beneficial for everybody and it is also very beneficial for dogs. Many diseases and conditions can be cured or can be prevented by the use of coconut oil on dog. Yeast infections, hot spots, minor cuts, smelly coats...all of these can be cured by the coconut oil. Even cracked paws show better results with coconut oil. In many other skin conditions, coconut oil has shown great progress in treating the infections. Coconut oil is like a natural medicine. It works perfectly for dogs and other animals. Not just with skin conditions and skin problems, coconut oil also helps your dog with his inner heath and nutrients.
- Unrefined coconut oil which is also known as “Virgin Coconut Oil” is very beneficial for both humans and dogs. It contains medium chain fatty acid and Lauric acid which are very healthy for your dog’s body, as it prevents your dog from bacterial and viral infections. It also builds the immune system of your dog which will give them the power to fight against all bacteria and viruses. It will also regulate and balance insulin in your dog’s body; it also promotes normal thyroid function in the body. Regular use of coconut oil also shows the signs of prevention of diabetes from the body. So coconut is like a protective shield for the dog’s body. It is natural minerals for your dog. It will help him grow better and healthy.
- It reduces Cancer risk, in a recent study it has shown that dogs that were in regular use of coconut oil are less prone to cancer than others. The components of coconut prevent skin from getting skin cancer or tumors. It is not like it will cure the cancer, but it will reduce the chances of getting cancer in your dog. The virgin coconut oil has many significant features that no other natural thing gives and it is very useful for the health of your pet. It can be used for humans, dogs and even for cats.
- Coconut oil also improves the digestion of your dog. The antioxidant property of the coconut nut oil helps and increases the nutrients to get them absorbed properly in the body. This will help your pet in getting a good diet and great digestion. It also helps your dog with colitis and inflammatory bowel syndrome. Furthermore, there are many benefits of coconut oil for dogs, not just this. It also reduces and nearly eliminates the bad breathe from your dogs mouth, so when he comes to lick you up, you won’t feel disgusted by his breath. Many times it has been seen that coconut oil helps your dog from coughing. Overall,O coconut helps your dog with better health and better hygiene.
- Coconut oil is a great source for nutrition, arguably it is one of the best oils when it comes to nutrition and other health benefits. Coconut oil works absolutely great for your dog’s skin. It is over 90% saturated fat and has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. These elements helps your dog in getting a great skin and coat. It also prevents your dog from getting allergies. Skin conditions like eczema, flea allergies and itchy skin can be treated well with coconut oil. It reduces the allergic reaction your dog gets from other infections. Besides for the health benefits, it also makes the dog’s coat glossy, shiny and sleek. Infections like Candida, yeast and fungal infections can be reduced or prevented by the use of coconut oil. Coconut oil also works as a great healer to minor cuts on your dog’s body, so if your dog is scratched, coconut oil can be used to treat that. It is natural and herbal, plus coconut oil has no side effects.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Dogs?
Now we have cleared that coconut oil is perfectly good for your pets, especially dogs. We told you about the benefits of coconut oil for dogs and these benefits are pretty awesome. Now you must be eager to use coconut oil on your dog and also you must be curious to know exactly how to use coconut oil for dogs. Well, we will tell you everything. Here are some ways in which you can use coconut oil for your dog, as it is healthy for your dog in many ways.
Coconut Oil for a Dog’s Dosage
Giving two tablespoons of coconut oil a day in food is the best way to keep your dog’s health in a perfect shape. But there is something you should keep in mind. In the beginning, start giving coconut oil in small quantities. Giving too much too soon can cause a negative impact to your pet’s health, as he may have trouble with his digestive system and can get detox issues. So, start low and increase the dosage slowly.
Large amounts of oil can also cause diarrhea or greasy stools, every new thing takes a few days to get adjusted by the body. So keep the quantity small in the starting days. It’s important for his body to get adjusted perfectly to the coconut oil. In starting for puppies, you should give ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil in his diet, since more than that can cause some trouble. You should know that he is just a puppy and his stomach is not as strong as grown up dog. And for a large adult dog you should just give 1 teaspoon in starting. Keep track of their health and stool for a few days. If they feel any discomfort, then you should keep the quantity small. After a few days, gradually increase the quantity of the coconut oil. And 2 teaspoon would be perfect for a large adult dog in his diet. Remember to start giving your dog coconut oil in a small quantity.
Coconut Oil for Dog’s Skin
There are many benefits of coconut oil for dog’s skin. It is natural stuff, so it won’t cause any side effects on your dog’s skin. It will heal any rash on your beloved dog’s skin, and it will also treat any minor wound or dry skin.
Using coconut oil on a dog’s skin can be a trick. Dogs will behave dumb sometimes and this is one of the times, as soon as you apply the coconut oil on their wound or rash or dry skin, they will lick it off. So try wrapping the skin with a napkin or towel, or hold him till the oil gets absorbed by the skin.
You can also use coconut oil for dog allergies, brush your dog once every two weeks with coconut oil...especially in summers, and it will keep the fleas always from him. This will also prevent the dog allergies.
Brush him with a small quantity so that it won’t make a mess in his hair. Try not to use coconut oil on his coat in winters, as in winter coconut oil freezes. After brushing him good with coconut oil, keep him like that for few hours and then give him a great shampoo bath; it will increase the glow of his coat and will give in a glossy coat. It will also make your dog’s skin and coat soft. Using coconut oil for dog’s hair will make your dog healthy. It is one of the best benefits of coconut oil for dogs.
- Coconut Oil contains 90% saturated fats and most of the saturated fat in coconut oil is Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). MCT contains Lauric acid as the main component followed by Capric acid, Caprylic acid and few other acids. Lauric acid fights against bacteria and it has also shown positive results in curing cancer.
- Coconut oil has antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties which helps your dog in fighting these infections. Even after the infection, coconut oil if perfect for your dog’s skin.
- Coconut Oil balances the insulin in the blood, hence helping to prevent diabetes in dogs. It also helps your dog fight against heart disease.
- Use of coconut oil will give your dog a great shiny coat. Even his skin will be softer than ever. Not just that, it will also help in reducing doggy odor. Normal wounds, scratches and hot spots can be cured by coconut oil.
- Adding coconut oil in your dog’s food will improve his immune system and digestion. The taste of coconut oil is good so your dog won’t spit it out.
In the end, remember that coconut oil is great for your dog’s body and health, there are many benefits of coconut oil for dogs but remember to use it in a limited quantity. They say, too much of anything good can be bad.